Practitioner and researcher with business acumen, coding skills and domain expertise, always committed to the goals and objectives of institutions I have collaborated. I have extensive experience in diverse disciplines ranging from quality assurance in manufacturing and services, financial risk management to economic policy evaluation. Tackling issues of different nature is my core to complete tasks and goals effectively. Data analysis and research skills in data management, code programming, and statistical analysis are some of my abilities to produce the required insights for high-level decision making.

Economic and Social factors for development.
Special interest in Latin america.
Aug 2018
MSc, Economics
The University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.
Financial Inclusion of urban and rural business
Credit Guarantee Schemes
Violence and terrorist threats
Impact on critical infrastructure
Data analytics
Machine Learning, GIS, Data mining, Predictive Modelling, Optimization, Pattern recognition
Aug 2017
PhD, Public Policy and Political Economy
The University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.
Dissertation - Credit Guarantee Programs: Nature and Implementation
Sep 2001
MSc, Financial Analysis
Charles III University, Madrid, Spain
Master Project - Financial Hedging Strategies for Businesses in Developing Countries
Dec 2000
MSc, Quality Engineering
Iberoamericana University, Mexico City
Master Thesis - Quality Standards for National TV Broadcasting services
Dec 1998
BSc, Industrial Engineering
Iberoamericana University, Mexico City
General exam to obtain the grade